Which statement about the cosmic microwave background isnottrue?A) It is the result of a mixture of radiation from many independ
ent sources, such as stars andgalaxies.B) It is thought to be radiation that began its journey to our telescopes when the universe wasabout 380,000 years old.C) With the exception of very small variations, it appears essentially the same in all directions inwhich we look into space.D) Its spectrum corresponds to a temperature of just under 3 degrees above absolute zero.
Answer: It is the result of a mixture of radiation from many independent sources, such as stars and galaxies.
Microwave background radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation that is present in the whole universe and completely fills it. In fact, it is the leftover radiation from the Big Bang that occurred 400,000 years before the events related to this cosmic radiation.
Its frequency belongs to the microwaves range and is one of the main demonstrations of the of the Big Bang theory model.