Answer: Click on the crown down to the right corner after Brainly notifies you to. A good joke: Q: If you have 13 apples in one hand and 10 oranges in the other, what do you have?
A. many causes and one affect
the many causes are listed above and the effect is global warming
i cant provide the whole essay right now, but here’s some important information.
*sleep provides energy that your body needs
*sleep relaxes and calms your body
*if you do not get sleep, your body will feel tired and lazy
*you will not have any energy or extra nutrients without sleep
Dialogue between two animals at the zoo.
Tiger: Who is this creature?
Monkey: This is human who can walk on two legs.
Tiger: Why this creature comes to see us?
Monkey: These creature comes to see us and to be entertain.
Tiger: These humans are very different.
Monkey: Yes, they are different.
Tiger: What they are looking in us?
Monkey: They looked our behaviour.
Tiger: These humans take our home from us by cutting forest.
Monkey: Yes, but they are good because they provide food to us daily.