The best answer to the health and workout question above would be overload. It is evident that the person developed knee pain from running everyday - a sign that the knee was put on a greater amount of stress. This principle of sport training is called the overload and is used to strengthen the ability of that certain muscle to work efficiently.
Target Heart Rate
Target heart rate is generally expressed as a percentage (usually between 50 percent and 85 percent) of your maximum safe heart rate. The maximum rate is based on your age, as subtracted from 220. So for a 50-year-old, maximum heart rate is 220 minus 50, or 170 beats per minute.
B greater damage on impact.
Note that all objects are either in motion or not, and that they either have <em>Potential</em> Energy (or energy that can be used when called upon (needed)) or <em>Kinetic </em>Energy (or energy that is being used currently).
In the event of a person speeding, the person is exerting enough force using the gas pedal, giving a higher Kinetic Energy. The faster they are going, the higher the amount of Kinetic. If the driver is not paying attention and is going extremely fast, they may hit another car (for example). That car, in this example, is stopped for a red light. Unless the mass of the object is significantly bigger by a large margin, the transfer of energy from the Kinetic Energy to the object (with potential energy) would be visible. When a car hits another car of similar tonnage and size, the Kinetic Energy from the moving object would overcome the Potential Energy, changing that into a Kinetic Energy, forcing the stationary object to move forward. If there is a line of cars, then it would create a <em>chain effect</em>, which would lead to "greater damage".