1. Should've Studied (I think?)
2. Stayed
3. Helped
4. Forgot
5. Shouldn't have Spoke
6. Said
Alliteration is when you have a sentence in which most of the words in a sentence start with the same letter
Example: Peter Piper Picked A Peck Of Pickled Peppers<span />
The answer is A. All music doesn't contain lyrics, music is not visual, and music is inherently subjective.
M-Making Sure I Keep Everyone Safe By Wearing My Mask
A-Always Staying 6 Feet Away From People
S-Staying Inside Unless It's Necessary To Go Outside
K-Keeping Me And My Family Safe By Washing My Hands
(Don't know if it's suppose to be about the pandemic)
For example:
My uncle lives in Pennsylvania. He is an electrician.
"uncle" is noun. "uncle" is the antecedent of the pronoun, "he"