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They’ll started their specialization and their studies at the beginning of January
Some of the students will have done the homework their practices and a trip
Maybe their professional practices don’t offer good benefits like a good timetable or a break
The thing that matters is that the students are obtaining interviews, experience and benefits
Teacher says that the most important thing is to have a good paid work that you like
sorry, I put the asnwer in the wrong place.
You can put:
1- (any shop to buy clothes that you like) and say why you like this shop
2- what kind of clothes do you like and why, for example, me gusta la ropa que me queda grande porque me siento más cómoda con ella. 3- put what are your favourite colours, for example, mis colores favoritos son el azul y el negro.
4- you can put, no, no es importante porque no hace falta tener mucha cantidad de ropa y gastarse tanto dinero.
5- they ask if your family spend so much money in clothes and if they search a discount so you can put, mi familia no gasta mucho en ropa pero cuando compramos, buscamos rebajas para que sea más barato
6- you can put: no, ellos no regatean y sí tienen y usan tarjeta de crédito