The answer would be "Usala" this makes the sentence look like Si, claro usala, this means yes of course use it
1. Anabel: "José, este fin de semana tus padres van a ...conocer.. a mis padres finalmente. Yo ..sé... que todo va a estar bien." //
"conocer // sé
2. Anabel: ¿Saben….. tus padres dónde está el restaurante donde vamos a comer? Ellos viven cerca y .conocen... muchos lugares de Manitou Springs.
saben // conocen
3. José: "Sí, ellos ..conocen.... la ciudad muy bien y ...saben... que está en Manitou Springs"
conocen // saben
4. Anabel: "Ayer hablé para hacer la reservación y ...supe. que José, el chef ..sabe.. preparar unos platos hispanos deliciosísimos. "
supe // sabe
5. : "JoséSí, yo ..conozco.. bien a mis padres y ...sé.. que ellos van a estar contentos."
conozco // sé
Hey Jordan,
It's cool that you get to visit Nicaragua. Here are some interesting things about it. (Now describe some of these things. It borders both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean. It's capital is Managua. People in Nicaragua generally speak Spanish. The most popular sport in Nicaragua is baseball. Most Nicaraguan's eat food that generally consists of corn, beans, and chili peppers. Some things in Nicaragua are very different from the United States. For example, (describe a few differences)
There aren't very many cars in Nicaragua. Health care also costs significantly less. They also have less electricity.
Some things in Nicaragua are a lot like the United States. For example, (describe a few similarities)
Both the US and Nicaragua have a strong Catholic presence. They also both bury their dead.
The word is prohibe, for example se prohibe ir al armario durante la clase