"Phonetics - the study of speech sounds in their physical aspects
Phonology - the study of speech sounds in their cognitive aspects
Morphology - the study of the formation of words
Syntax - the study of the formation of sentences
Semantics - the study of meaning
Pragmatics - the study of language use"
On 24 June, the Soviets severed land and water connections between the non-Soviet zones and Berlin. That same day, they halted all rail and barge traffic in and out of Berlin. The West answered by introducing a counter-blockade, stopping all rail traffic into East Germany from the British and US zones.
Polices of Pennsylvania reflected Quaker beliefs in the following aspects:-
The equality in the treatment that everyone received-
The welcoming of the diversity-
Payment for the lands-
Elections' representatives-
Freedom in following own religions
During the 19th century, America had a strong reluctance to become involved in other countries alliances and affairs. Isolationists in America argued that the US had a different philosophy than European countries and the US should defend freedom and democracy by not being involved in such things.
During the Spanish-American War, the US remained isolated and the country fought the war without alliances and without fighting in Europe. But the mindset started to change since the motto of freedom and democracy was substituted by the US bringing an empire in the Caribbean and in the Pacific - the US had influence in the Phillippines, Puerto Rico and Guam -.
President Roosevelt had the big stick policy, he believed that the US should export its values and become a global power. At the same time, he defended that the US should avoid conflicts. President Roosevelt ended the isolationism in the US and started the modern American philosophy of acting aggressively in foreign affairs even without the support of the Congress.
Proloneged for crutial treatment or control.