Answer: In people with type AB blood, both A and B proteins are expressed on the surface of red blood cells equally.
Ok, no boxes but whatever
Mammals - Endothermic Homeostasis (Warm Blooded), Hairy Body, Have babies live
Birds - Endothermic Homeostasis(Warm Blooded), Have eggs, feathers, claws
Bacteria - Single celled, use binary fission to divide
Fungi - Multi or single celled, have chitin cellular walls
Plants - Have cellulose plant walls, multicellular organism
Archae Bacteria - Same as normal, except they live in crazy enviorments, like at the bottom of the ocean or in a volcano or radiation pool
Protozoa - Single celled organism class, like ameoba
a. Anterior: Refers to the front of the body, which comprises the face and abdomen.
b. Caudal: Refers to the lower structures of the body, starting from the waist towards the foot.
c. Cephalic: Refers to the entire head region.
d. Deep: Refers to the inner core regions of the body, such as the bones within the muscle, the organs, among other internal structures.
The regions of the body presented above are very important for all health professionals, as it facilitates the study and understanding of the human body and the structures that make it up. In addition, the memorization of these terms allows health professionals to talk clearly about the injuries that patients have and the best way to treat them.