In the paragraph below, change all of the passive verbs to active. Capitalize each verb that you change. Vows were taken at St.
James Cathedral by Bonnie Eager and Jerry Wrightman. The bride's dress was made by the bride. At the reception in the church parlors, punch was drunk and cake was eaten while the bride and groom were greeted by their friends. The bride's bouquet was thrown by the bride and was caught by her sister. Rice and confetti were thrown by the excited crowd as the bride and groom were whisked away by a well decorated car which was driven by the best man. Tears were shed by the mother of the bride while hats were thrown into the air by the brothers of the groom. A good time was had by all.
Bonnie Eager and Jerry Wrightman took vows at St. James Cathedral . The bride made her dress. At the reception, the bride and the groom drank punch and ate cake while their friends greeted them. The bride threw her bouquet and her sister caught it. The excited crowd threw rice and confetti as the best man drove a well decorated car that whisked away the bride and groom. While the brothers of the groom threw hats, the mother of the bride shed tears. All had a good time.