Kievan Rus was a loose federation of East Slavic and Finnic peoples in Europe from the late ... He extended his control from Novgorod south along the Dnieper river valley to protect trade from Khazar incursions ... In the south, in the area around Kiev, were the Poliane, a group of Slavicized tribes with Iranian origins
Energi listrik disalurkan melalui Saluran Udara Tegangan Menengah (SUTM dan SKTM). 6. Energi listrik diturunkan tegangannya melalui trafo di Gardu Distribusi (GADIS). 7. Energi listrik disalurkan melalui Saluran Udara Tegangan Rendah (SUTR dan SKTR). 8. Energi listrik disalurkan ke rumah-rumah dan gedung-gedung. use this website and i think this should fully explain it
When dead body parts decay.
Reception (sensation) sensory receptors detect the presence of a stimulus.
transduction (sensation) sensory receptors convert stimulus energy into electrochemical energy.
transmission (sensation) ...
selection (perception) ...
organisation (perception) ...
interpretation (perception) ...
sensation. ...