If it were me I would put the two words starting the two paragraphs as "So" and "The"
P.S. I don't know the exact answer this is just what I personally would put. To help you a little more the two words follow along with this. "So in order" and "The first of these"
the humid continental climate has hot summers, while the subarctic climate has short, cool summers.
The last option d true love and class differences
Amoeba depends on simple diffusion of gases from breathing. The exchange of gases in Amoeba takes place through its cell membrane.
I urge your esteemed newspaper to publish a notice call to the concerned departments to look into this matter immediately.
789 Hari Hara Lane
Chuo City
Tokyo 143-0024
The Editor
The Capital Times
13th Avenue Tower
Tokyo 110-0016
To the concerning authority,
I'm compelled to write this letter to your esteemed authority to express my concern regarding the quality of air in the capital city. It has been observed both by the citizens and various organisations that air pollution within the city is increasing rapidly since the last 5 years.
It is a threat to the lives and welfare of the citizens living in the city especially for children and senior citizens. Therefore, I urge your esteemed newspaper to publish a notice call to the concerned departments to look into this matter immediately. I firmly believe your participation in this matter will have a great impact for the betterment of the capital. Than you.
Yours sincerely,
Yahiko Watanabe.