The Creek people
The Creek people were organized into totemic clans, they maintained a division of labor by sex: women performed agricultural tasks and men go hunting. The Creek people sustained war with the United States government (1813-1814) refusing to leave its homeland. The Union forced them to move to Oklahoma in the mid-nineteenth century, where they currently live.
The Protestant Reformation was a 16th century movement that altered the course of European and world history in a number of different ways.
- This movement led to the eventual influence and demise of the previously powerful Catholic Church.
- Most importantly, people began to leave the religious strife that was taking place in their European homelands and they headed west to America to worship God as they pleased.
Religious Differences
- Even though people were worshiping as they believed, the Protestant Reformation brought about a new set of problems.
- People all throughout Europe began to engage in bloody conflicts over their religious disagreements.
- Catholics fought against the Protestants and rulers fought against various Christian sects that did not affiliate with their particular beliefs.
Religion in the New World?
- Spanish explorers discovered the Americas and some people began to migrate to the new world to find fame and fortune.
- Exploration expeditions began to spring up in England and other European countries and the age of exploration was established. This development was important because it allowed many early settlers to leave Europe and travel to the Americas.
Religion and the Constitution
- The Reformation not only drove people to found America, but it also helped to establish the Constitution which is the living document that governs the United States.
- After the religious dissenters from Europe arrived in America, society was dominated by a clash of various religious beliefs. Those beliefs continued to dominate America for hundreds of years, up until the latter half of the 20th century.
- Religion was so strong in America that it dictated the lives of millions of settlers that lived in the colonies. People in America can now worship as they believe but no state religion is to be endorsed. Many different Christian denominations are being worshipped in America today.
This may not be entirely correct, but the North didn't want to the South to join the Union because they highly disagreed with the idea of slavery, which is what the South believed was a good thing since it benefited them. Although, the North also wanted them to join the Union when slavery was no longer a thing because they were cut in half as a country and were more vulnerable to Britain and any other country who wanted control over the United States.
<span>Hellenism is a blend of C. Greek, Mediterranean, and Asian cultures. Hellenism is the </span><span>period from the death of Alexander the Great (323 B.C.E.) to the death of Cleopatra.</span>
1. The chief characteristic is that a ruler rules with unlimited power. They don't have to worry about the people or parliaments or the constitution or anything similar since their word is the law even if if is opposite to the actual law. Absolutists have absolute power over governing and nobody is allowed to question them.
2. One of the major causes was religious turmoil. The Holy Roman Empire was split into numerous smaller kingdoms which were fighting over protestantism and catholicism and they started the thirty years' war which eventually got everyone in Europe to join and was utterly devastating killing millions of people.
3. One of the results is that supporters of the protestants got the religious freedom to practice protestantism along with Princes who ruled the smaller kingdoms. This resulted in a heavy reduce of Catholic power in the central and northern Europe and let to later counter reformation movements to get power back.
4. The correct answer is divine right, also known as the divine right of kings. According to them, they were rulers of people on earth because god chose them to be the rulers and they were allowed to reign supreme because they represented the will of god. Naturally, many people disliked this so revolutions started rising.
5. The Tsar who modernized the country and started spreading towards the warm waters was Peter the Great. He went to Europe to learn about how to modernize his country and implemented many of the things he learned. The Tsarina who managed build a port on the warm-water area was Catherine the Great.
6. The minister's name was Cardnial Richelieu. He was a cardinal of the Catholic church and he reduced the power of both the nobles and of the Catholic church in order to centralize power. Even though he was a member of the Catholic church, he often supported protestants in order to reduce the power of the Catholics and make sure that the King reigned supreme.
7. The correct answer is the social contract. This is an idea of the enlightenment era that people should give away certain freedoms in order to ensure the functioning of the society. In return, they would get stability and protection from the state and the state and the individuals would prosper in the long run.
8. The correct answer is John Locke. He was an enlightenment thinker who developed numerous ideas on democracy and how a government should work and these ideas were one of the main ones that influenced things like the declaration of independence and the constitution in the United States.