the answer is many groups in Washington began to demand eqaul rights.
On June 4, 1968, popular Democratic Partypresidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy waited all day for the election results to come in from the Democratic primary in California. At 11:30 p.m., Kennedy, his wife Ethel, and the rest of his entourage left the Royal Suite of the Ambassador Hotel and headed downstairs
Answer: US Constitution Facts
George Mason would become the driving force behind the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the constitution.
Felipe II Augustus, greatly increased the power of the French monarchy by its important military victories and, above all, for the development of the projects carried out to ensure the royal power against the great feudal lords.
He was crowned king in his teens, although he was known to be austere and poorly educated intellectually, was considered a good ruler because he surrounded himself with scientists, trying to be fair to his subjects, and greatly expanding the territorial spread of France.
Finally, at the end of his reign France was geographically strengthened, which is why he was considered the great architect of the French union during his prolonged reign.