convergent boundaries
About 80% of earthquakes occur where plates are pushed together, called convergent boundaries. Another form of convergent boundary is a collision where two continental plates meet head-on
In a divergent plate boundary, two plates move away from one another. Due to this divergent movement of plates, seafloor spreading takes place in the ocean basin along the mid-oceanic ridge and rifting take place in the continental areas. Due to the stretching of the crust, the lithosphere becomes thin, and with more progressive spreading, it results in the eruption of magma at the seafloor. This magma is basaltic in nature, that reaches the surface due to the force exerted by the uprising magma forming convection cells in the mantle. This type of plate motion results in the expansion of the ocean basin and the rift valley in the continental areas forms seas and oceans with increasing time.
The rocks that are formed at the mid-oceanic ridge are the youngest as the magma cools and solidifies very rapidly here. With further moving away from this spreading center the age of the rocks increases.
The divergent plate boundaries are also responsible for the occurrence of deep-focus earthquakes, and it also leads to the formation of volcanoes in its adjacent sides.
Country which shares a border with the northernmost part of China : RUSSIA
Looking at the map I attached, you will notice that the northernmost part of China is to the North East between 120° E and 135° E. The country that borders this area is Russia.
Countries located between 105° E and 135° E lines of longitude:
Looking at the map and the lines of longitude circled, countries between these two lines of longitude are:
- North Korea
- South Korea
- Philippians
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