Intelligent, Wasn't that bright is sarcasm, like, Wow that was smart (aka stupid)
I'd say that the theme of this story encourages us that anyone can be important. Not just lawmakers or rich people or even extroverts, but anyone, whether you're a shy artist or an outgoing sporty-type. Some variation on that is probably what you're looking for, I shouldn't do your work for you! :)
The lines from this excerpt from Leo Tolstoy’s, "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" that use symbolism to indicate that death is approaching are:
"There was light and now there is darkness. I was here and now I'm going there!"
Here, the author uses the symbols of light and dark to represent life and death. Where there is light there is life, whereas darkness means to close his eyes forever and fall into an eternal slumber.
Tolstoy also uses the references "here" and "there" to refer to life on earth and the afterlife. Ivan feels like his time in this side is ending, and that he is finally going "there," to the afterworld.
He considers it a leap of faith because he was very scared to do it and when he decided to put his fear aside and jump he ended up making the diving team.