Continental drift in terms of plate tectonics.
- Continental drift is a theory given to explain the formation of various plates or slabs on the surface of the earth and the theory is evident in the form of Alfred Wegener as a geologist who through his research and discoveries and advanced knowledge gave the concept.
- Plates on which the landmasses and various features are made is not static as it looks and is more dynamic and was more destructive in the past as the formation of the earth during the 4.6 billion years ago the continental landmass underwent transformations and breakthrough happened as the split and rejoined and again joined to form what is seen today.
- These plates drifted in such ways that the landmasses formed various properties of the northern and southern hemispheres. Wegener gave evidence of Jigsaw fit puzzle, drifting of the climatic zones, spreading of the plants and animals located at the same continental borders.
- Moving of the plates under the action of gravity and wind speeds.
The answer is Tony Zale. I hope this helps.
Movement- this is about how people, products, information, and ideas <span>move from one place to another.
Region- </span>A region is an area or division defined by similar characteristics. They can be natural (physical) or human (cultural) characteristics.
Location- Location is where a place is(a particular place) on earth. It can be described in absolute (through longitude or latitude), or relative terms.
Human Environment Interaction- this is how humans adapt to the environment and how they change it to suit their purposes. It <span>is how the human social system acts upon its ecosystem.
Place- </span>Places are defined by everything in them (a particular position). Each has special characteristics <span>that make them unique and distinguish them from every other place on earth.
</span>Had to search everywhere to get this lml anyways, hope it helps
Australia/Oceania is the smallest continent
Answer: 1. Malaria 2. Ebola 3. It is sometimes referred to as a political disease as it has the most controversy around the topic of politics around any disease. For more than two decades various initiatives have been taken to respond to the disease by various political parties and governments.