Which sentence is wrong because it's not parallel? because the teachers thought the seniors' prank was funny, the seniors neithe
r received a severe punishment nor escaped punishment completely. because the teachers thought the seniors' prank was funny, it resulted neither in severe punishment nor in lack of punishment. because the teachers thought the seniors' prank was funny, it resulted neither in severe punishment nor letting them off scot-free. because the teachers thought the seniors' prank was funny, it resulted neither in giving them a severe punishment nor in letting them off scot-free?
"Because the teachers thought the seniors' prank was funny, it resulted neither in severe punishment nor letting them off scot-free," is wrong because of the "letting."
Parallelism is the use of pieces in a sentence that are similar in sound, meaning, etc. The -ing in "letting" isn't similar with the rest of the sentence.
Look left and right Listen in case of anything See whether another car is coming behind to overtake it Are they crossing the road using a pedestrian crossing
In colloquial English 'them" would be acceptable In formal English 'they' is used accompanied by the corresponding auxilliary verb So, you could also say Is everyone who works in this store as helpful as they are ?