They faced a lack of investment capital
There are 24 not 23
The Catholic Church is actually composed of 24 churches — one Latin (Roman), which comprises perhaps 98% of all Catholics worldwide, and 23 "Eastern" or “Oriental” churches.
Catholics also follow the teachings of Jesus Christ but do so through the church, whom they consider as the path to Jesus. They believe in the special authority of the Pope which other Christians may not believe in, whereas Christians are free to accept or reject individual teachings and interpretations of the bible.
The Roman Catholic Church, which has over 1.3 billion members–slightly over half of all Christians worldwide–does not view itself as a denomination, but as the original pre-denominational Church, a view rejected by other Christians. Protestant denominations account for approximately 37 percent of Christians worldwide.
La oración "Los teenek conviven con personas de otras culturas, esto ha permitido el intercambio económico, social y político" recupera la idea principal del párrafo número cinco.
> Esa es la idea central del párrafo 5 del texto llamado <em>"Los teneek o huastecos."</em>
> Esta tribu ancestral vive en la región de la Huasteca Potosina, en el Estado de San Luis Potosí, y en el norte del Estado de Veracruz, México.
> El nombre de "teenek" significa "los hombres del campo con sus consanguíneos."
> La idea complementaria del quinto párrafo es que los teenek o huastecos viven en una sociedad multicultural, lo que les ha permitido desde un origen el intercambio comercial y cultural con otra tribus de la región.
Podemos concluir que los teenek o huastecos han mantenido sus tradiciones y costumbres a través de los años, pero son indígenas mexicanos abiertos al intercambio cultural y comercial con tribus de otros estados.
Aprende más sobre este tema aquí:
Pat's interest in dates and events in history indicate that Pat is a visual learner. According to the VARK questionnaire, it provides students with an outline of their knowledge preferences. These choices are about the ways people attend to take in and give out information, students with a visual preference go for like maps, plans, graphs, charts, diagrams.
the strategy of "island hopping" was used by the United
States in the Pacific theater of world war two. Thought of by Douglas
MacArthur, "island hopping" was a strategy that u…sed the technique of
jumping from island to island on a chain to control the chain as a whole
vs attacking all the islands at once.
Hope this helps ❤️❤️❤️