The right answers are:
- France was forced to give up Alsace-Lorraine to Germany;
- Germany gave up territory that helped create Poland;
- Germany had to pay reparations to other nations.
Jamaica's highest mountain is the Blue Mountain Peak. This mountain is 7,402′.
This is because after winning independent slave trade also was in that event, or because Europeans wanted to influence Christians into Africa.
Enacted in 2002, the bipartisan<span> Campaign Reform Act, </span>ordinarily referred to as<span> the McCain-Feingold Act, </span>could be a<span> major federal law </span>control finance<span> for federal political candidates and campaigns. The law was designed </span>to handle 2<span> key campaign finance issues: </span>political contribution<span> and issue advocacy. According to the </span>legislative assembly analysis<span> Service, </span>a political contribution<span> is "a term of art </span>touching on<span> funds </span>typically looked as if it would<span> influence elections </span>however<span> not regulated by campaign finance law." </span>before the<span> enactment of McCain-Feingold, this </span>enclosed<span> "large contributions from otherwise prohibited sources. According to the Federal </span>Commission<span>, the </span>Bipartisan<span> Campaign Reform Act "includes </span>many<span> provisions designed </span>to finish<span> the use" </span>of sentimental cash<span> in federal elections</span>