Probably a mix of all these mechanisms:
1) awareness - you are not aware of the problem all the time (what eyes can't see)
2) empathy - info you get doesn't move you; you haven't lived through the problem, so you know it "intellectually" (but do not feel it).
3) knowing what to do to solve the problem - usually there are no "direct" actions you can take to solve the problem
4) thinking that you can make a difference - usually you don't believe you can change such a big problem (AAAND it seems to be a lot of work ... probably for nothing).
5) thinking there are "govs and organisations" better suited to solve such problems.
Aphrodite was the goddess of beauty... she got jealous a lot.
El equilibrio de poder era que, aunque el gobierno de los EE. UU. Dijo que los indios estadounidenses eran naciones soberanas dentro de su nación, aún podían intimidarlos constantemente para sacarlos de la tierra y evitar que los españoles y los británicos en Canadá los suministraran, reduciéndolos efectivamente a nada más. que un ligero impedimento de expandirse hacia el oeste. (mira a Johnson V McIntosh)
Y para el tratado de 1805, Jefferson les otorgó la política de asimilación, y Harrison jugó trucos, amenazó y sobornó a los líderes tribales para que les dieran tierras, y para 1807, Estados Unidos había extraído de los líderes tribales reacios los derechos del tratado sobre el norte de Michigan, el sur de Indiana y la mayor parte de Illinois
Executive Order 9981 is an executive order issued on July 26, 1948, by President Harry S. Truman. It abolished discrimination "on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin" in the United States Armed Forces. The executive order led to the end of segregation in the services during the Korean War (1950-1953).