Cross-sectional design: In psychological research, the cross-sectional design is referred to as one of the types of "observational study design". A researcher or experimenter while conducting cross-sectional research or study tends to investigate or study the various exposures and outcomes in the different participants or subjects involved in the research at the same time.
In cross-sectional study design, the participants involved in the study differ in "variable of interest" yet share a few characteristics.
In the question above, the researcher is employing a cross-sectional design to her study.
Answer:Echoic memory
Echoic memory are short sound sensory memory that registers specific information of an auditory stimulus. it occurs immediately an auditory stimuli is heard , the echoic memory immediately captures such information so that it can be processed and understood before it gives meaning to the overall sound Unlike the iconic visual memory, It does not scan continuously n and is very short lasting for 2 to 4 seconds., although longer than the visual memory which enables the brain make many echoic memories in a day.
The Great Society were programs developed and put forth by Democrat President L. Johnson in 1964 with the goal of eradicating poverty and racial injustices. Spending for these programs were put towards education, urban issues, health care, transportation, and poverty (present day Medicare, Medicaid, and federal funding for education).
Johnson and activists worked together to put forth studies of American socities, reported on findings to corresponding agencies, and assisted many civil rights laws including the Civil Rights law of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, The Immigration and nationality Services Act of 1965, and the Civil Rights Act of 1968.