Unified Modeling Language
Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of modeling language that aims at defining a standardized method to visualize how a system has been designed. UML enables developers to construct, visualize, specify, and save artifacts durig the phases of software development. UML describes a set of diagrams and symbols used to graphically model a system.
Unified modeling language is a visual language, not a programming language.
During this time humans used stone to make tools and stone was used many times as part of the actual tool. Tools are objects that make our lives easier. A computer or smart phone are examples of modern-day tools. Paleolithic is a word that comes from the two Greek words palaios, meaning old, and lithos, meaning stone.
In 1776, the Second Continental Congress issued the Declaration of Independence, stating their specific grievances with the British monarchy and why they were going to create a separate government. After the colonies separated from the British monarchy and formed the United States of America, they had to answer some crucial questions: 1) If not a monarchy, what type of government was the United States going to have? 2) What kind of government was going to protect the people without violating their individual liberties?
The Framers decided to create a limited government based on ideas of natural rights, popular sovereignty, republicanism, and the social contract. We can see some of these ideas pop up in the foundational documents of the United States, including the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
The process followed in one's moral development
The cognitive development approach was developed by Jean Piaget. It explains how children develop a mental model of the world. Jean Piaget has disagreed at the point that intelligence is a fixed trait. He focused on cognitive development is the result of the interaction between biological environmental factors. He was the first psychologist who did a systematic study of cognitive development.
<u>There are three components of Piaget theory areas :</u>
- Schema
- Equilibrium
- Cognitive development
- Accommodation and assimilation
These components play a part in the cognitive and moral development of a child.