You might be highly frustrated today. But it's a good life anyway.
<em>For example,</em> people might cheat you, lie to you, and blame you for problems they themselves create. Even so, life has infinite capacity for goodness and fulfillment.
<em>Furthermore, </em>a whole lot of things cause you a whole lot of trouble. Yet when you step back and take a good, clear look, you see without question that life is well worth the trouble.
<em>Therefore,</em> it's all too easy to imagine sometimes that things are hopeless. But then you remember you've survived a lot worse, and in fact thrived, and so have many, many others.
<em>So,</em> yes, at times life is tough. And it is precisely those times that enable you to see how very good life can be.
<em>In conclusion,</em> whatever the situation, life is good when you decide it is good. And it's your decision to make right now.
Mr. Shiftlet makes ironic comments as <u>he talks about morale after he left his wife at a roadside restaurant. </u>One day he was more depressed than ever while driving alone, there were times when he preferred not to be alone and in the heavens a storm was slowly prepared.