Free enterprise pretty much says that people can sell whatever they want at a price they choose to whoever wants to but it. Becacuse of this people wanted to go out and make their own businesses where they sold the goods or services they chose to. So yes, I believe free market inspired people to become euntrapenures. For the next question, yes as well. With the amount of people selling different things the economy became more diverse.
Chandra should request her attorney to file a motion for summary judgement because both parties have past the pleading stage of litigation and they both have also completed discovery. Since enough evidence was gathered during discovery, then Chandra is entitled to judgement.
The correct one would be soliciting. I have a job and I just grab my business cards and hand them out to people. You could use cards ,HUGE signs, and even open meetings with free food. I love those.. P:
I hope this helped! :D