Their parents tried to keep them apart but they wanted to be together Romeo left for a little got a letter saying Juliet died even though she took medicine to make her sleep and lower her heart beat so that people would think she was dead and wake up in time to leave with romeo but she didn't wake up in time and romeo thought she killed herself so he stabbed himself when she woke up he was dead that was when she did it herself. It shows that they left together their love was so strong and the families hate trying to pull them apart just ended their lives.
boo is considered to be a disgrace and a freak in Maycomb. However, in the end, he saves the children from almost certain disaster.
Miss Gates, Scout's teacher, talking to her class about the United States being a democracy.
Instead of capitalizing on what Scout already knows (reading), she tries to limit what students are exposed to.
is, did, attempted, left, that left drove, crossed, stopped, returned, will try
These replace all of the underlined words
As travelers fly into the spirit of the saint louis airport, there are greeted by the huge gleaming Gateway Arch facing the west. National landmarks are areas of great beauty giving opportunity for open-air, established so that national beauty can be preserved and enhanced. National landmarks have such positive influences on peoples lives so i think using public money to maintain national landmarks is good. Public money should be spent on keeping up national parks. because they are part of our country's history and something to admire. i think the money should be spent because if we didn't use the the National landmarks will crumble and fall.
it is not 100 words but i hope it helps
Chapter 1
-The narrator is Scout Finch.
-The setting is in Maycomb, Alabama.
-Atticus is the father and his wife died while Scout was two years old.
-Dill comes over the play during the summer with Scout and Jem.
-They are interested in Boo Radley and his house.
-The Radley house is mysterious because no one has ever entered it.
Chapter 2
-Scout hates her first year of school because her teacher wont let her read at home.
-Scout gets in trouble for standing up for Walter Cunningham.
-The teacher, Miss Caroline, tried to give Walter a quarter, but he didn't take it because he knew that he would have to repay her, but he can't.
Chapter 3
-Jem invites Walter to eat lunch at his house with Scout.
-Burris Ewell is in the same class as Scout and Walter but only comes to school the first day.
Chapter 4
-Scout and Jem find prizes in a knothole next to the Radley's, so they take them.
-The kids start playing a game where they impersonate Boo Radley, and this game ended due to Atticus finding out about it.
Chapter 5
-The kids try and slip a note through the Radley house window, but they get caught by Atticus.
Chapter 6
-It is Dill's last day in Maycomb, so the kids try and enter the Radley's backyard.
-They enter it and go on the back porch until they hear a shotgun.
-The kids start to run, but Jem's pants get caught on the fence, so he takes them off to run.
-When Jem comes back to pick them up, they are folded nicely on the fence.
Chapter 7
-The prizes keep appearing everyday, so they get curious until the knothole gets cemented by Nathan Radley.
Chapter 8
-It is snowing in Maycomb, so the kids make a snowman that looks like Mr. Avery.
-Ms. Maudie's house catches on fire, so the whole town stops the fire.
-The kids were watching the house burn near the Radley house.
-Scout discovers that someone put a blanket over her shoulders, and she thinks that it was Boo.
Chapter 9
-Atticus is chosen to defend Tom Robinson, and he accepts.
-Everybody at school calls him a n****-lover, but Scout made a promise that she won't punch anyone.
-Uncle Jack, Aunt Alexandra, and Francis come over for dinner.
-Francis calls Atticus a n****-lover, and Scout punches him.
Chapter 10
-Atticus gets Jem and Scout air rifles for Christmas, and he tells them that it is a sin to kill mockingbirds.
-There is a rabid dog on the Finch's street, so Atticus shoots it.
Hope this helps