Newspeak, doublethink, and The mutability of the past
1. Newspeak. Newspeak is the official language of all party members, as the purpose is to eliminate all thoughtcrime.
2. Doublethink. Doublethink is very common amongst the Party, and quoting from CliffNotes, “doublethink is the act of holding, simultaneously, two opposite, individually exclusive ideas or opinions and believing in both simultaneously and absolutely. Doublethink requires using logic against logic or suspending disbelief in the contradiction.” The three slogans inside the novel, “War is Peace,” “Freedom is Slavery,” and “Ignorance is Strength,” are all examples of doublethink.
3. The mutability of the past. As Orwell writes in the beginning chapters III and IV, Winston encounters in his memory that Oceania actually allianced with Eurasia and fought against Eastasia, yet all broadcasts of the party suggests that Oceania had always done the vice versa. Also, he and his comates have had no memory of Big Brother until very lately, yet documentations have stated that Big Brother has been influencing Oceania since the 1930s.
Bartimaeus was a blind man cured by Jesus. When he calls out to Jesus for the road to heal him, Jesus tells him his faith has cured him.
One could argue that Jesus wants all people to have faith in him. Also, because Bartimaeus gave up his cloak and followed Jesus, Jesus wants people to give up their worldly possessions to follow him. This mirrors other Gospel stories where Jesus tells his followers to give up everything and follow him.
We put a comma after the subordinate clause.
When a subordinating adverb phrase or clause comes before the main clause of a sentence, the subordinate clause should be followed by a comma to separate the subordinate clause information with the independent's clause information. Here are some examples:
<u><em>After the walk,</em></u><em> we went to the shopping mall </em>(Adverb phrase underlined).
<u><em>In total silence,</em></u><em> she waited </em>(Adverb phrase underlined).
<u><em>Before you leave,</em></u><em> could you please shut the door? </em>(Adverb clause underlined)
<u><em>Since you do not care about the class</em></u><em>, you may leave the room </em>(Adverb clause underlined)
<em>Notice that the difference between adverb phrases and clauses is that clauses always have a subject and a verb while phrases do not.</em>
king acknowledged the struggles and hardships faced by his fellow African Americans for the civil rights cause. a. He referred to a variety of difficulties they had to face ranging from police brutality to being shut up in narrow jail cells.
B. Rama is painted the color blue instead of being flesh-colored.
Ramayana is an oral story that assumes a critical job in Hindu writing. It's been completed in numerous structures, for example, recounting in ceremonial settings, tune, move and theater, works of art
Painting was a critical piece of that period. Canvases portrayed as long as they can remember. It gives us a look to comprehend their political, social and social life. Here we will talk about how painting causes us in understanding it all the more essentially. Indeed, even the Ramayana guides us. It delineates the perfect relationship of spouse, sibling, wife and ruler.