A.The Candy Bombers understood the people of Berlin were doomed and wanted to make them happy one last time.
B. The Candy Bombers kept civilians happy to distract Soviet attention from the Allies as they constructed the Berlin Wall.
C. The candy wrappers had propaganda messages because people who got a treat were more likely to read the material.
D. The candy pleased children while letting the adults know that people in the outside world were aware of their plight. <--------------Answer.
The candy also signified to the USSR that the US would not give up on Berlin, contrary to what the USSR believed, and so the USSR soon lifted the Berlin Blockade.
The Egyptian Obelisk. It is the famous of the three erected monuments in the heart of the square. The monument originally dates back to 1450 BC and was made for the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutmosis III. We can say that it is one of the oldest monuments in Istanbul.