None.. The US is not a business...
Catholics have started questioning The Roman Catholic Church during the Reformation.
Abuses within the Church marked the start of the Protestant Reformation. During the late Middle Ages, the Church and popes were increasingly caught up in secular affairs and even competed for political power against Italian princes. Furthermore, the popes began living lavishly to the point where the Church had to increase its fees in sacraments such as baptism and marriage in order to beautify churches. Not only were fees increased for services, but the selling of indulgences—this pardon lessened the time of punishment a soul faced for sins committed during an individual’s lifetime—were promoted by the clergy.
By the late 1400s, many people were buying indulgences using money or bribes to the Church. Due to this, many Catholic Christians protested and religious reverence deepened throughout Europe.
Christian humanists pressed for the Roman Catholic Church to return back to its state of simplicity; they rejected Church pomp and ceremony and highly stressed the importance of Bible study.
Korea, Japan, and China heavily influenced one another.
Korea (both South and North Korea), Japan, and China (including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao) form part of East Asia (sometimes Mongolia is also included).
Historically, China has had a profound influence on other East Asian countries, including vocabulary and writing, as well as beliefs and / or religions. The heart of this region is formed by East China, the Korean Peninsula and Japan; these countries and territories have several points in common:
-a humid climate, more or less temperate (continental in the north and tropical in the extreme south) and conducive to agriculture (wheat and especially rice);
-millennial civilizations;
-a long-standing scripture based on sinograms;
-a spirituality associating Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.
The expansion of Chinese culture to the East (Korea and Japan) is estimated in the sixth century. The expansion to Mongolia and the West in the twelfth century with the Yuan dynasty of Mongol origin under the leadership of Genghis Khan.
Many of the Declaration's principles are broad and idealistic. This is because such principles are not meant to be taken literally. Instead, they are meant to inspire a feeling and a general attitude towards life, that will be modified and developed based on the laws that are afterwards established.
An example of such a principle is the idea that all people have a right to the pursuit of happiness. This, taken literally, would mean that every person has the right to do whatever makes them happy. If it was established as a law, it would prevent the implementation of other laws that curb such liberties. It would allow people to act in any way they want, regardless of whether their way is illegal or immoral.
The answers are the 1st 2nd and 4th.