The bank wants to give you an incentive to pay back the loan. If they did not hold your assets as collateral, you could simply fail to pay back the loan and really not lose anything other than your credit score. Many borrowers already have tarnished credit scores, so that is rarely enough incentive to base a loan on.
I would put this into your own words considering I copied and pasted it. Other than that I hope this helps!
- Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan inspired the "Unalienable rights" outlined in the Declaration of Independence.
Thomas Hobbes's <em>Leviathan or the Matter Forme and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical and Civil, </em>written in 1651,<em> </em>became one of the most influential written masterpieces on politics and philosophy in the history of humankind. His ideas about the <u>fundamental rights of individuals </u>and the need of a <u>Social Contract </u>(laws and regulations) for a society to thrive were deeply influential in the writing of the Declaration of independence as well of the Constitution.
It is interesting to note that not all of Hobbes's beliefs were agreed upon by the Founding Fathers, for example, his belief in government with absolute power over individuals. Nevertheless, his ideas were complemented along with John Locke's ideas regarding unalienable rights (Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness) and limited government.
- Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes was referring to an individual's right to freedom in relation to others when he said: "The right to swing my fist ends where the other man’s nose begins.”
This quote refers to the fact that we are, of course,<u> free as individuals within our social structure, but we must not forget that this doesn't give us the right to damage the other or threaten their liberty.</u> This is known as the demarcation of liberties.
The best and most correct answer among the choices provided by the question is the first choice. <span>During World War II, a widely adopted means of solving labor shortage problems in U.S. industry was to employ women. </span>I hope my answer has come to your help. God bless and have a nice day ahead!
The happenings at the second half of the 20th century paved way for a new conservatism movement. The American people at that time thought that "liberalism had gone too far" which could mainly be attributed to the rise of the civil rights movement and the course of the Cold War.
The statement can be taken either way because it is still a topic in which a definite conclusion hasn't been made. It is suggested that the coach of the losing team or whole of the losing team were sacrificed to the Aztec Gods, but this is disputed by lots of historians because in the Aztec society it was an honor to be sacrificed, so it might have been that the winning coach or the whole team were sacrificed instead. Considering the importance of the game on a political and religious levels, it is hard to tell which way did the sacrifices were taking place, and even if they occurred at all.