My back is sore from cleaning all day.
Is the next one dicky. soory i just keep think of the show nicky ricky dicky and dawn off tv
The noun phrase in the sentence above is the first option - the gooey, chocolate fudge brownies.
You have to write the whole thing and not separate these words because they are intricately connected into one noun phrase, so you cannot say just fudge brownies because that's not the whole phrase.
Tasted perfect is a verb phrase, and topped with icecream is an adjective phrase.
The simile "teeth white as milk" found in the second stanza of the poem most likely refers to C. the foam on the waves.
The man in the moon makes no sense, since the poem is talking about the sea. A great white shark would be a silly answer. The darkness of the sea is also incorrect because that can't be white if it's dark. So, the foam on the waves, which is white, by the way, is the correct answer.