As ancient Rome expanded it's influence it allowed it to interact with different regions and began to trade. Also the trade routes helped it a lot. Hope this helps!
Vikings transports us to the brutal and mysterious world of Ragnar Lothbrok, a Viking warrior and farmer who yearns to explore - and raid - the distant shores across the ocean.
As per RACE Chart,
<u>R -</u> The ancient rulers of Russia choose to use Christianity for the establishment and maintenance of the nation and its government.
<u>A -</u> Okay
<u>C -</u> As per history, Prince Vldamir sent his emissaries to various countries to learn about their religions because felt that Russia would become a unified nation if it has its people practicing one single religion. The prince chose the Byzantine faith of Orthodox Christianity as the faith to bring his country of turmoil into harmony.
<u>E -</u> This Christianity was introduced into the East Slavic state of Kievan Rus by the Greek missionaries from Byzantium in the 9th century. Also, when Russia layed under the Mongol rule from the 13th through the 15th century, the Russian church enjoyed a central position by obtaining the immunity from taxing heavily.
Germany lost the war due to strategic erratic decisions taken by it. Germany began a brutal attack in order to make France forcefully surrender and capture Paris. It simultaneously desired to move the troops around the British army in order to outmaneuver it but unfortunately, the German troops went afar from the food supply which was a strategic error.
The entry of powerful American, Australian Canadian troops forced German allies to surrender and it isolated Germany. This created apprehension in Germany and there was a brutal war which devastated both people and property.
Treaty of Versailles was loathed by Germans which asked Germany to bear the blame of war damages and pay huge compensation for restitution after the war. This made Germany to forcefully surrender.
The Olive Branch Petition was a final attempt by the colonists to avoid going to war with Britain during the American Revolution. It was a document in which the colonists pledged their loyalty to the crown and asserted their rights as British citizens. hope it help you.