<span>Cele mai mari acumulari de apa sunt calul alb, negreni , pe raul baseu mileanca pe paraul podriga catamarasti si dragasani pe raul sidna
ExistÄ douÄ categorii de lacuri:
Lacuri hidroenergetice:Lacul Stânca-Costești,pe Prut
Iazuri:cu frecvenČ›Ä mare:DracČ™ani,pe Jijia</span>
you can heat gas in a very high temperture
Folk culture- the culture traditionally practiced primarily by small, homogenous groups living in isolated rural areas. Popular culture- the culture found in large, heterogeneous societies that share certain habits despite differences in other personal characteristics.
"The lithosphere is subdivided into tectonic plates. The upper part of the lithosphere which chemically reacts to the atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere through the soil forming process is called the pedosphere. The lithosphere is underlain by the athenosphere which is the weaker, hotter, deeper part of the upper mantle."
1. My predictions about the changes in sea level have been relatively close to the actual rise of the sea waters, though it has been different than the general predictions of the numerous models of the countries. The predictions that I have made about the rise of the sea level have been based on the rate of melting of the polar ice, but also on the isostatic rebound that occurs because of it, and the influence that the greenhouse gasses have on the global temperature. The estimates that I made were showing a rise of only few centimeters, unlike the several meters predicted by most of the models. The closest model to what I have predicted is the Russian model, which is very different than the others.
2. The sea level variations are not very easy to predict, nor do they have any particular cycle that is repeating on approximately the same time. There are numerous factors that influence the variations of the sea level, such as the global temperature, with higher temperature meaning higher sea levels, and lower temperature meaning lower sea levels. The isostatic rebound of the continental land masses should also be taken in consideration, as the continents lift up when they don't have pressure on top of them from the ice, and sink down when they do have large ice masses on them, thus it can influence where the water can penetrate and where it can't. The position of the landmasses, composition of the atmosphere, as well as the geological activities, all have big influence on the variations of the sea levels, be it going up or down.