1080 x 1920
800 x 600
These are the screen sizes that you can find in the list of the screen sizes, which can be easily found in the document that lists all the screen sizes. You will certainly find the 1080 x 1920 and also the 800 x 600, however, you will not find the 320 x 240 and 800 x 600. The last two are the standard screen sizes and hence are not the correct options. The correct options are as listed above.
It is true that the information provided in text aids can help us to understand a text's content before we even read it.
These text aids will contain bits and pieces from the text, which will make us understand the overall message even before we actually get down to going through the text itself. I believe it is better to actually read the text, and try to understand it on your own, before going to these aids for help.
b. instantiated.
In computer programming, to be instatiated or when variables are instatiated; this simply refers to the acts of making example out of a group variables or a form of template. For example in a situation of class of objects.
Hence, in this case, the correct answer to the question above is the option B, in which Variables set equal to patterns are said to be INSTATIATED
a) Cut/copy and paste allows you to select a section of text and insert a new copy of that text. You can also transfer data from one place to another.
b) Save is when you keep your work for later and it will be the same as you left it. Think of it like putting a bookmark in your book. Save as lets you name the files.
c) Close and Exit just let you leave the program, saying you are finished working with it and want to do something else.