One simply cannot pick just one religion that impacts this, because religion overall affects equality. For instance, gender and love. People discriminate on others for how they choose to percieve and identify themselves. They do this simply out of religion, or in most cases, they will use religion as an excuse to bash one another, simply because they just don't like it. But overall, people use religion as an excuse. This applies with sexual orientation. People tell us that god does not approve of same-sex couples, when in the bible it actually states that we mjst love one another, so this proves that they just simply don't like what they see, and thus in order to stop this, they need only remove themself from the situation, if they see a same-sex couple in public, simply walk away, or if it be on the internet, simply scroll away from the picture or page.
<span>Five strategies needed by learners in taking </span><span>appropriate actions for availability of clean water maybe the ff:
(1) conserve water by turning off the faucet when unused;
(2) research more on how to conserve water
(3) use social media to spread awareness of conservation of water
(4) innovate ideas on conservation of water
(5) make machines that can filter water's impurities</span>
it means to be serious or determined