Bootlegging- making fake or false copy’s of something, or, making alcohol against the law. Depends about what type of history.
<span>During the Bill Clinton administration, no-fly zones in the north and south of Iraq kept Saddam’s aircraft grounded in an effort to protect the Kurds and Shias. In February 1998, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright confirmed that U.S. strategy toward Saddam was containment, arguing that removing Saddam would be too costly and that fomenting a coup would create false expectations.6
C. wanted to establish a French Republic.
The radicals in France wanted to overthrow the monarchy and establish a republic form of government to mimic that of the United States.
Moderates believed a republic was too far of a leap for a country with the tradition of monarchy. They wanted to create a parliamentary system like Great Britain that would maintain a monarchy and have representation. Conservatives wanted to maintain the monarchy and as a result were often the target of the radical government. Robespierre and the Jacobins launched a government meant to be a republic which turned into a dictatorship filled with bloodshed at the blade of the guillotine.