All of the above! buying local benefits local farmers because you are directly paying them instead of the huge corporations who barely pay them anything on account of their own corporate greed. chemical pollinators aren’t as heavily used in local farming because there isn’t a huge need for them to act as preservatives since it’s produce that’s grown at home and doesn’t have to travel far to be consumed. and buying local is very sustainable for the environment as you can see from the reasons explained above. hope this helps!
There is only one America...
These are all matching questions
1. Sanction. Countries may place restrictions between each other if they can not come to an agreement that benefits both.
2. Embargo. Example- The U.S. and Cuba have had an embargo. Neither country will trade with the other.
3. Quota. This allows only a certain amount of a product to come into a place. This may be a good thing if a substance is illegal or if the substance or product could somehow be used for the wrong reasons.
4. Subsidy. Sometimes the government will help farmer's by giving them money to plant certain crops. This helps both the economy and the farmer.
5. (Protective)Tariff
6. Boycott. People could boycott a store, if they do not agree with company's beliefs. An example would be Target allowing Transgenders into women's restrooms.
Africa is poor country. There are many people live with family so hard.American regions population ruch man.