You could google this, but the ratio between frequencies of one octave to the next is 2:1
That would be a minor 3rd as D (in the key of D major anyway) is the root or tonic, and F is the 3rd(minor).
it will de in Florida were xxxtentacion grave
i think that will be a good spot because everyone looks good I an picture like that
A) Conflict.
There's an event or character that triggers the conflict.
To make regular nouns plural, add -s to the end.
Cat : Cats
House : Houses
if the singular noun ends in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, or -z, add -es to the end to make it plural.
truss : trusses
bus : buses
marsh : marshes
lunch : lunches
blitz : blitzes
In some cases, singular nouns ending in -s or -z, require that you double the -s or or -z pior to to adding the -es for pluralization.
fez : fezzes
gas : gasses
Most singular nouns are made plural by simply putting an -s at the end. There are many different rules regarding pluralization depending on what letter a noun ends in. Irregular nouns do not follow plural noun rules, so they must memorized or looked in the dictionary.
child : children
goose : geese
man : men
tooth : teeth
foot : feet
mouse : mice
person : people