Gutenberg's invention spread rapidly. By 1500, there were printing presses in 60 German cities and in 12 other European countries. “The development of printing has revolutionized communication,” states The New Encyclopædia Britannica. "Over the next 500 years, many improvements were made to printing mechanics, but the basic process remained essentially the same."
Printing changed the European way of life, since knowledge was no longer the property of the privileged. Newspapers and information began to reach the common man, who became more aware of the things that were going on around him. Thanks to printing, it became necessary to define for each national language a standard letter template that everyone could understand. Hence, English, French and German are standardized and preserved. The demand for reading books has grown tremendously. Before Gutenberg, there were several thousand manuscripts in Europe, and 50 years after his death, there were millions of books.
Without mechanized printing, the reformation in the 16th century would not have succeeded. The Bible was translated into Danish, English, Italian, German, Polish, Russian, French and Czech, and printing press made printing tens of thousands of copies an easy job. In spreading his message, Martin Luther made good use of the printing press.