This is due to isostatic equilibrium.
Isostatic rebound occurs when load is added or removed on the lithosphere and the surface either sinks or rises under the weight of the asthenosphere.
At first, when load which can be in form of glacier is added to the lithosphere, this block of the earth would sink rapidly at first due to the added weight. With time, as the adjustment continues, an equilibrium is now reached between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere. At this point, the asthenosphere would have gathered enough strength to carry the overlying weight.
Answer: D
When a photon hit photosystem II, light energy absorbed by one of the pigments in photosystem II, energy is carried from one pigment to another and reach down to the reaction center.
This is what my teacher gave me to figure out the amino acid sequences. And it was confusing at first, but I eventually got it. So, hopefully it will help you too. Let me know if it helps. Or if it does not so that I can try to be more helpful.
This is a codon wheel/chart, whatever you want to call it. I attached the codon chart/wheel. So that you can see it. Let me know if you can not see it.
bacterial feeders, fungal-feeders, plant parasites, predators, and omnivores.
A genetic pool is the absolute hereditary variety found inside a populace or an animal categories. A huge genetic stock has broad hereditary variety and is better ready to withstand the difficulties presented by ecological anxieties.