The 24th amendment to the Constitution (1964) made poll taxes illegal in national elections, and the Voting Rights Act directed the Attorney General to contest poll taxes in state and local elections.
I have put in here the choices for this problem:
striving for perfection through hard work
accepting nature's will and letting go
being kind and loving in all acts
not interfering with the universe's plan
Confucianism relies on the concept of harmony and letting our natural goodness come through. Among the choices, the closest answer is
</span>being kind and loving in all acts
Yes, unity is a surefire strategy
B. The goal of the Confederates and the Union was to capture the other side's capital city.
The American Declaration of Independence, together with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, can be considered as the prototype of the foundation documents of all modern democracies. It was based on the assumption that man has a God-given rational nature guiding his free will as self-ruling. So, it placed reason before will.The French Revolution, on the other hand, in spite of its avowed cult of reason by "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity", in fact disavowed reason and made the will of the people majority rule the source of civil power. Thus will was placed before reason.Which of the two Revolutions is the genuine democratic one? The elucidation of this issue, so vital for our time, is the purpose of this paper. The analysis undertaken, with a previous clarification of terms is both philosophical and historical as only the latter can provide the basis for a philosophical reflection