Number 1 is B
number 2 is C
Cristóbal Colón llega a las Américas: mil cuatrocientos noventa y dos (1492)
Termina la guerra entre España y los Estados Unidos: mil ochocientos noventa y ocho (1898)
Termina la presidencia de George W. Bush: dos mil nueve (2009)
Neil Armstrong camina en la Luna: mil novecientos sesenta y nueve (1969)
Christopher Columbus arrives in the Americas: fourteen ninety two (1492)
The war between Spain and the United States ends: eighteen ninety eight (1898)
The presidency of George W. Bush ends: two thousand and nine (2009)
Neil Armstrong walks on the moon: nineteen sixty-nine 1969)
Reflexive verbs are sometimes identified as being in the “middle voice” (as opposed to the active voice or the passive voice). Reflexive verbs can most easily be identified by the use of reflexive pronouns, which are used as the direct object and refer back to the subject of the sentence.