<span>Besides timber Crete exported food, cypress wood, wine, currants, olive oil, wool, cloth, herbs, and purple dye. Its imports consisted of precious stones, copper (most likely from Cyprus), ivory, silver, gold, and other raw material. They also imported tin that was used in the production of bronze alloys. Interestingly, the nearest known tin mines appear as far as Spain, Britain, central Europe, and Iran. Besides raw materials, the Minoans also adopted from the surrounding cultures artistic ideas and techniques as evident in Egypt's influence on the Minoan wall frescoes, and on goldsmithing production knowledge imported by Syria.</span>
A: Today, it's best known as the Black Death or the bubonic plague. Medieval people called it "the blue sickness," La pest ("the Pestilence"), and "the Great Mortality." The name bubonic comes from the medieval Latin word bubo via Italian bilbo--meaning a pustule, growth, or swelling.
RNA stands for Ribonucleic acid.
Harriet Tubman Said this in 1904
The image of hurler as a meddler in military operations is powerful and persistent. he was also stubborn, distrusted his generals and relied to much on his own instincts.
if this helped please mark this answer as a brainliest :)