Although we do not know what the quote you are referencing is, we are able to explain the claims that Swift makes throughout the entire essay.
In this essay, Swift makes a commentary about the view and value of person hood in his society. In this essay, he argues that poor Irish families should sell their children to wealthy English people in order for them to be eaten. Although the claim is absurd, what Swift wants to convey is that people value the lives of the poor, as well as the lives of the Irish, as less important than the lives of rich English people. In his society, such prejudice prevents people from valuing all lives equally.
This essay continues to be relevant today. Nowadays, we still believe some people are less worthy than others. For example, we care deeply about celebrities dying, but we do not care much about the hundreds of people who die from war or poverty everyday. As a society, the poor, the elderly, and foreigners are often seen as "less worthy" because of our prejudice. This view is also influenced by values in society pushed by the media, such as the celebration and admiration of extremely wealthy people.
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Symbolism is when something represents a bigger idea. Symbolism is when symbols represent themes.
Figurative Language
Symbolism is a form of figurative language. Figurative language is used mainly by literature to express a complex idea by using figurative meanings. When an author uses symbolism they do not intend for their words to be taken literally.
Other forms of figurative language include
- Idioms
- Metaphors
- Similes
- Hyperboles
In all of these examples, including symbolism, an author uses nonliteral definitions to convey more complex thought processes that can be connected to the real world. Figurative language, especially symbolism, can help an author establish a theme and universal connection.
Definition of Symbolism
Symbolism is used to connect objects and people in stories to real-life ideas. There are famous examples of symbolism that can be seen in multiple different stories. For example, swans are usually seen as a symbol of peace, and roses are symbols of love. In these examples, authors have used the nonliteral definitions of swans and roses to connect the objects to ideas that affect everyone's life.
Famous Uses of Symbolism
<u>How to Kill a Mockingbird</u> is a famous book that is filled with symbolism. One of the main symbols in the book is the Mockingbird. The Mockingbird represents innocence.
"Romeo and Juliet" also uses symbolism. In the play, Queen Mab represents the dreams and desires of the characters in the story.
Humans typically assume bats are blind, Using the expression "You're as blind as a bat!". But really, Bats are not blind at all.