To reform Catholic policies
Abraham Lincoln
The Republican Party first came to power in the elections of 1860 when it won control of both houses of Congress and its candidate, former congressman Abraham Lincoln, was elected President.
there you go
North Gets South Gets
California admitted as a free state No slavery restrictions in Utah or
New Mexico territories
Slave trade prohibited in Washington D.C. Slaveholding permitted in Washington D.C.
Texas loses boundary dispute with New Mexico Texas gets $10 million
Fugitive Slave Law
Here are the answers for your questions above, based on my research.
1. One reason Texans elected William Clements governor in 1978 was his l<span>ack of political experience.
2. </span>Workers in maquiladoras <span>receive low wages.
3. </span>The state legislature passed a law ensuring high school students admission to state universities if they <span>were in the top 10 percent of their class.
4. </span>All of these changes occurred in Texas as the result of NAFTA EXCEPT <span>the trucking and warehouse industries boomed.
5. V</span>eteran teachers expressed their dissatisfaction with Governor White’s education policies by <span>voting against his reelection.
6. </span>Parents who believed that traditional U.S. curricula were threatened by bilingual education formed <span>the “English only” movement.
Hope these answers help.</span>