Why is Mrs. Williams clearly the guilty
party in the case?
is married, though she is not wearing her wedding ring. Too, when the detective is questioning the
painter and cleaning lady about the blue paint used to deface the painting,
Mrs. Williams is seen biting the nails on her left hand—the hand where her
wedding ring should be. It can be
assumed that Mrs. Williams is not wearing her wedding because she got paint on
it, and she is biting her nails to remove the evidence of the blue paint that
may have been on and/or under her nails in order to remove the evidence the way
she might have done by removing a potentially paint-stained wedding ring.</span>
What motivated her to ruin the Wyeth
Williams is angry with her husband by the way her husband treats Mrs. Williams’
family—his in-laws. In order to get back
at her husband, she for treating what she loves badly, she ruined something he
loves—fine art.</span>
It alludes to the biblical story of Lazarus, who
tamously was risen from the
It reverses biblical ideas, calling the Bible itself
into question as a religious
It portrays the religious teachings given to the
chimney sweepers to be
empty and of little real value.
It has no connection to the Bible, as a work of
fiction from 19th century
England was unlikely to draw from the Bible.
It’s answer c
a bear was attacking her in the nightmare