Caesar was appointed governor of the vast region of Gaul (north-central Europe) in 58 B.C., where he commanded a large army. ... Caesar refused and, in a bold and decisive maneuver, directed his army to cross the Rubicon River into Italy, triggering a civil war between his supporters and those of Pompey.
The subject is photo and the verb is was
His “white eyes writhing in his face”, “his hanging face”, the blood jolts “gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs” — all are expressive of the tragic situation the soldiers have to face in war. So, imagery is the device the poet has employed in the poem 'Dulce et Decorum Est' to convey his anti-war message.
melting glaciers, sea levels rising
Answer: Ethos, the ethical appeal, the emotional appeal, the logical appeal and pathos
There are five rhetorical devices(By Aristotle) in the declaration of independence of the United States of America and those are ethos, the ethical appeal, the emotional appeal, the logical appeal, and pathos. The main ones are Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.
- Ethos is the rhetorical device where the one who is speaking is noticeable by the public or audience as trustworthy of credible, pathos is a device where the person is trying to persuade other people that are listening and he will do that by trying to make them feel some emotions. Logos is a rhetorical device where the speaker is trying also to persuade the other people but with arguments that are logical for them or they think that they are.