I believe the thyroid controls most, if not all of those things. (Again, I'm not entirely sure.)
Celsius can be converted to Kelvin by adding 273.15 to the Celsius grade!
8= B : adenine with thymine , guanine with cytosine.
9= False : its not single , *dual* helical structure.
10= Every humans' DNA is different but its as similar as our relatives' DNAs as far as i know so its False.
11 = The two backbones of the DNA molecule consists a deoxyribose sugar ^with 5 carbone^ and a phosphate so the correct answer is B
12= Procaryotes' Genomes are simpler- structured than eukaryotes' so procayotes DNA is 1/1000 of eukaryotes.I couldnt translate the options correctly (im not native sorry) but i think its B according to my knowledge of that XD
13= the amount of adenine, guanine, thymime and cytosine must be same so the correct option is %40as well.
Hope it helps!!!
No estoy seguro que decir, pero sí es difícil