En la Edad Media, el mundo musulmán se extendía desde la India hasta España, pasando por Jerusalén y Tierra Santa. Para judíos, cristianos y musulmanes, Jerusalén era y sigue siendo una ciudad santa. De hecho, para los cristianos medievales era el centro de su mundo espiritual y geográficamente según sus mapas.
They opposed workers of a particular industry forming a union. What did companies use to break up unions by refusing to allow employees into their facilities to work? They used lockout.
The Impact of the Erie Canal - Rochester
The Erie Canal was built from the Hudson River to Lake Erie. It improved the economy in some cities in New York such as Buffalo Lockport, and Rochester. It lead New York to industrialization. It decreased the cost of transporting goods.
The correct answer is the speaker that would say <span>It's important that the Constitution include a bill of rights.
Anti-federalists were against a strong central federation because they feared that people might abuse it and become tyrannical if given power. This is why anti-federalists supported the inclusion of the bill of rights since they wanted the rights clearly enumerated instead of just implied since implications would be difficult to interpret.</span>