he Inventing Room is Willy Wonka's favorite and most secret room. It holds all of his newest inventions and candy that still needs testing, examples being the Everlasting Gobstoppers, Hair Toffee, and the Three Course Dinner Chewing Gum.Willy Wonka's Inventing Room, from an earlier draft of Roald Dahl's Charlie and ... A draft speech in which Roald Dahl talks about the inspiration for Charlie and the ... Roald Dahl went to a famous English public school called Repton, where he ... would be sent a number of Cadbury's newest chocolate inventions to test out.He first invented a tonic Wonka- Vite which made people younger. ... The volunteer, who swallowed four drops of the new invention became, old, began wrinkling and shrivelling up all over and his hair starting dropping off and his teeth falling out and he turned into at fellow of 75. The name of the invention was Vita-Wonk
In the first excerpt it is this sentence:"It was a difficult moment, but I did what seemed right, which was to say, "Of course not," and then to take her onto my lap and hold her for a while."
Here we see that the author is really not comfortable with the question his daughter asked him and thus he lies to her. You can see the pain he feels in just one sentence and the horrors that are hidden behind. One day he may tell her but not then.
"They would discuss their experiences right up to the time of battle and then suddenly they wouldn't talk anymore."
This sentence in the second excerpt show the unwillingness of the usually boastful people to talk about the war in detail. The author notices that they don't remember and it could potentially be that they wanted not to remember. Unconsciously they blocked the horrible things they had done and seen.
Answer: Daily news
Explanation: The daily news is for things like this that a local and happened a while ago. Headline news is for huge hot nation-wide topics (ie politics)