Answer:d 1991
when the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) under Foday Sankoh, with support of Liberian rebel leader Charles Taylor and his group, the National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NFPL), attempted to overthrow the government of Sierra Leonean President Joseph Momah.
Do good unto the world and the world will do good unto you. This can be supported because of the fact that although Kelly originally showed a character flaw by not listening to her sister's poem, she was able to redeem herself when she declined Leah's offer of cheating, remembered her little sister's coat, and prayed for forgiveness. The story leads you to believe these are the reason's why Evie is found quickly and unharmed.
1. Binge-watching may lead to isolation and dependency.
2. It is effective because the author describes multiple effects of binge-watching when it becomes a habit
The author quoted a study from the University of Texas which stated that binge-watchers have the tendency to become lonely, depressed, and have less self-control. To support this claim, he listed the multiple effects of binge-watching when it becomes a habit. Some of them include stressful feelings such as regret, guilt, personal failure, depression, and anxiety.
The addicted binge-watcher also has a sense of wasted time and activity because he feels that he should have invested his time in something better.